NXT 2024
NXT Studio
User experience design. NXT is focused on crafting solutions that are usable, feasible and beautiful.
NXT Agency
Implementations and project execution. Leveraging NXT Thinking, design and technology to solve real world problems.
NXT Labs
Making ‘Rapid development’ possible. NXT envision to lower the barriers to cutting edge technology. Reduce cost and time with accelerators.
Design Portfolio
NXT has undertaken several initiatives aimed at providing employees and the company with extensive exposure. Here are some key initiatives:
ACE Series
With the objective of uplifting the fresh talent that we hire, a training program was conducted for the fresher's batch by the Lead Team where the topics of Client presentation, problem statement understanding, user persona and empathy mapping was discussed.
Recruitment Drive
Successfully organised on-campus recruitment drives at two colleges, leading to the recruitment of more than 50 enthusiastic freshers to join our team.
Design Hackathon
To empower employees with design skills and tools, the Design team conducted the hackthon named 'Creative Spark'. Over 20+ teams participated in the 24hr hackthon making it a grand success.
Project Ekalavya
An initiative that started as a small idea but soon grew into a successful project developed by the freshers way ahead of their capabilities was a depiction of how perseverance creates successful projects.
Tarento AI
In the era of Artificial Intelligence, we understand the importance of showcasing the talent we master. With this intent, Tarento AI was created with our prowess in the AI landscape.
AI Training Series
With the intent of bringing everyone into the Artificial Intelligence landscape, AI Training was conducted for the whole organization.
Certifications & Trainings
51 Certifications
29 Trainings
Aavik Bhattacharji
Abhinandan Shekar
Abhilash M M
Abhijith K
Abhijith P J
Adil Mohamed Parayil
Alen Kuriakose
Aleena Jayan
Anish A
Arathi Vinod
Ashwin Sam George
Darshan Nagesh
Devendra Singh
Dilavar P D
Esakki Raju E
Geo Joseph
Ghulam Murtaza
Harshit Rao
Imthiyas V
Juhi Agarwal
Manas Mohan Swain
Misha Mohan
Muhammed Muneer C
Naveen Prasath
Mohammed Nazeem C
Praveen M
Preet Bharat
Rajeshwaran M
Reshma Prasad R
Sakthivel Govindan
Shakti Babbar
Sana Parvin
Saradha G
Satwik Arghya Mukherjee
Shesna Jalal
Shibili Favas
Fathimath Shimna Sheri
Shoaib Mohmad
Sowbhagya S Thantry
Sreejith N
P Sreelakshmi
Supriya S V
Varsha Mahuli
Vrinda M R
Waibhav Krishna Chandra
Q1January to March
MIS Dashboards are being introduced using RAIN
Bolt Implementation of Åsen & Øvrelid Phase 2 is ongoing
THOR as service of Azure