Art of seeing what is invisible to others

NXT is all about innovation. Swimming downstream is no fun. Conforming to present is not our cup of tea. we love to challenge the future and keep innovation.

Forging Innovation

Innovation is now more important than ever in today's world. To stand out in a crowded market, business leaders need to focus on different ways they can keep up with evolving demand. Learn more about the ways companies today can innovate and how innovation can take your business to the next level.



Our tech stack is crafted compact to abide by our technology serving principles to build for the future!


Deep-rooted analysis and strategic planning helps to turn complex ideas into reality.


Conviction in our design process helps us come up with simple and delightful experiences.

Innovation Story

Analytics dashboard for India's covid response

During the initial stages of the pandemic, India faced an unprecedented challenge in covid management with its diverse and massive population. Tarento was tasked with enabling country leadership with data driven decision making capabilities in a very short span of time.

NXT took up the challenge and deployed our technology accelerators, leveraged GIS data from ISRO and used data from Ministry of health and Ministry of education and created a realtime dashboard that showcases cases, recovery, and fatality data, Assets and trained resources data by location. Data was granular at district level and aggregated to state and country level. Access privileges were given by state and at country level. First version of the platform was developed and launched in 5 days.

The platform enabled the government to view the data on a daily basis and by geography and formulate policy and mobilization decisions with ease. Visualizations from the platform were used for daily briefing for the Prime minister.

LEAD Program



Design Thinking driven 'discovery & solutioning' program that helps businesses tackle complex problems and enables informed decision making in a short time.

LEAD drives innovation by enabling cross functional thinking across 'business', 'technology' and 'design' using the best of 'Lean', 'Agile' and 'Design thinking'.

Are you interested?

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