Realtime analytics and insights

Supercharge your business with the power of Data.

Modern businesses are run on information & knowledge. To improve your bottom line and expand your business, you need to have the right information available on time. Fundamentals of good data management is of paramount importance. Make reliable, data driven decisions. Take your business to the next level with our data-platform.

How does RAIN work?

Collect data from diverse sources, process and visualize. Make relevant visualizations available to the users based on their roles on preferred channels - Mobile or Web.

How does RAIN work?
Create your own dashboards with your favourite visualization

Visualizations ranging from a simple bar chart to map visualizations. User has the freedom to create multiple dashboards with different collections of visulizations.

Dig deep using filters, drill downs and more

Make more of the data and analyse by using default date filter and custom filters, drill-downs and drill - throughs.

Manage access, visibility and much more through admin

An integrated Admin interface is available where user roles, access, dashboard layout, filters, reports etc. can be controlled.

Create forms to source data

Users can create forms which can collect different types of data and the same data can be fetched by the data pipelines to show realtime visualizations.

Create, download and share reports and visualizations

User can create reports, download or share visualizations/reports in multiple formats.

Customize and make use of themes

RAIN comes by default in light and dark theme. It has been designed to enable quick and easy customization as well.

Live experience

Explore and interact with some live dashboards

Effortlessly monitor retail performance with our interactive dashboard cards on your website.
Track World Cup action live with our dynamic dashboard card, featuring real-time scores and match updates.
Monitor vital healthcare metrics with our interactive dashboard card, providing insights for informed decision-making.


A Decision Support System (DSS) is a composite tool that collects, organizes and analyzes business data to facilitate quality decision-making for management, operations and planning.

Using RAIN Accelerator, Distributed Data from Multiple Data Sources are visualized on a Classic Intuitive Design which has Role Based Access, Custom Logical Filters, Insights, Archive Data Comparisons, Mobile Responsive UI and an option to share and download.

With a Data Pipeline as its backbone, instant real-time insightful data of eGov's Smart City Suite was visualized to enable decision making more targeted and effective.

iGOT Dashboards

Using RAIN platform (Data Pipeline & Analytics System), we consolidated data from different sources to single source of data assets which would be more accessible, actionable, auditable source of reference for future operations (The very first turbocharge of data was done with 300,000 records from multiple sources).

At this point, we used our custom visualization engine capabilities of RAIN to draw effective visualization which can give authorities a most detailed, clear and vivid picture of health workers and professionals getting trained on Integrated Government Online Training (iGOT) platform

Empower Decision-Making with Real-Time Analytics and Insights Now!
Empower Decision-Making with Real-Time Analytics and Insights Now!
Get in touch

We can help your business make a difference. Contact us and we shall be happy to show you how.